Cameroon: South-West region - Note n°3 on Egbekaw: Needs and response update, 22 November 2023

On 6 November, suspected members of a non-state armed group (NSAG) entered Egbekaw, one of the villages surrounding Mamfe town in Manyu division. They reportedly shot randomly and set ablaze several houses, resulting in casualties and injuries. National authorities reported 25 people killed, including a child, and at least 9 others injured.
The damage and destruction of homes have forced some families to seek refuge in churches, and in overcrowded houses with relatives and friends. 465 IDPs were reported, but figures may change following further updates and assessments.
On 9 and 10 November a multi-sectoral initial rapid assessment (MIRA), coordinated through the NWSW Inter-Cluster Working Group, was conducted by partners from Protection (UNHCR/INTERSOS, Caritas Mamfe, IRC), Shelter (IOM/Caritas Kumba) and Nutrition (Caritas Kumba) Clusters. The most critical needs reported were protection services, shelter, non-food items and food assistance.
In support to local efforts, humanitarian partners continue to mobilize resources to provide multi-sectoral assistance to the affected population. Local partners on the ground continue to play a critical role.