United Nations partner with the government of Cameroon and humanitarian community to launch the 2021 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP)

By partnering and working together to implement the Humanitarian Response Plan we can shore up preparedness for millions of vulnerable people
For over six years Cameroon continues to be affected by three protection crises and concurrent, complex humanitarian situations. Since 2016, the United Nations System, together with the government of Cameroon and humanitarian partners have been reaching out to millions of beneficiaries. In 2021 there are 4.4 million people in need of humanitarian assistance in the country because of insecurity, diminished coping capacities and lack of access to basic services.
Prolonged displacement, ongoing violent incursions by non-state armed groups and consequent regular forced displacement have severely impacted the access to land and property, with over 320,000 internally displaced persons in the Far North region. As a result of the conflict, Cameroon is the second most affected country by the Lake Chad crisis after Nigeria. In addition, forced displacement within the North-West and South-West regions has created loss/lack of civil documentation in vast majority of the forcibly displaced house-holds due to disruption of public services and inadequate procedures in place.
Despite the many efforts made so far in 2020, the humanitarian response continues to be underfunded with only 50 percent of its Plan funded. Many families remain in severe need of immediate humanitarian assistance. IDPs, refugees, especially women and children are among the most vulnerable, with much needed assistance. Thousands of people in Cameroon continue to be affected by increased mortality and morbidity due to communicable diseases and other public health threats and a lack of access to minimum food, nutrition, WASH, shelter and lifesaving protection and health services. Many families require acute humanitarian assistance.
“Providing humanitarian assistance, sustainable support for vulnerable women, children and men and identifying durable solutions for those displaced, remains a top priority for the humanitarian community. It will help people retain their dignity and build their resilience” said Mr. Matthias Z. NAAB, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for United Nations in Cameroon, on the launch of the HRP.
During the launch of the Humanitarian Response Plan, on March 7 2021, The Representative of the government, the Minister of Territorial Administration (MINAT) H.E. Paul Atanga Nji, congratulated the efforts made by the UN in Cameroon and humanitarian community while acknowledging the joint initiative and cooperation through the implementation of the Humanitarian Response Plan.
Launch ceremony of the Humanitarian Response Plan, 07/03/ 2021
Addressing all the needs of the vulnerable population in Cameroon will require additional resources and strategic partnership with the government, supported by donors and development partners. With support from all stakeholders, the Humanitarian Response Plan for Cameroon becomes a strategic document where humanitarian actors with relevant stakeholders, can agree on priorities, and identify synergies to ensure maximum impact of interventions while using limited resources efficiently and effectively.

On this point, the Humanitarian Response Plan becomes a blue print for the United Nations and humanitarian community to continue working together with government to provide life-saving support systems and protection to people most in need and also strengthen protection services, psychosocial support and remote learning opportunities for all the children, and particularly for the most vulnerable in the country.
It is only by partnering and working together to implement the Humanitarian Response Plan that we can shore up preparedness and response plans for millions of vulnerable people in need of good health, access to clean water, quality education, making sure that no one is left behind. That is why funding the 2021 humanitarian response plan for Cameroon is so essential and remains a top priority.