1.1: Introduction
Following the implementation of the project “Promoting public health by improving the national supply chain capacity for medical products for increased resilience against COVID-19”, which has in its implementation plan a series of trainings, a first part of the activities saw the identification and assessment of the capacity of enterprises involved in the production chain of biomedical devices. This resulted to the organisation of the training on production and quality improvement which targeted twenty participants from five local enterprises. It started from the 13th February through to 17th February, focused on production and quality improvement strategies put forth by these enterprises. The training was delivered by Mr MISSE MISSE Roland which covered several modules.

1.2: The Project / Training Official Launching Ceremony
The official project launch and opening was done on Tuesday 14th by the UNIDO Resident Representative, Raymond Tavares. He reiterated that the successful implementation of this Project could contribute, in the long term, to strengthening national industrial capacity and improving the capacity of the National Health System to deal effectively and sustainably with COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases.
1.3: About the project
Overall Objective: The overall objective of the proposed project is to promote public health through improving the national supply chain capacity of medical product supplies for increased resilience against COVID-19.
Project counterparts
Government of Japan, Ministry of Mines, Industry and Technological Development (MINMIDT) Ministry of Small and Medium Size Enterprises, Social Economy and Handicrafts (MINPMESSA)
Executing agency: United Nations Industrial Development Organization

National Contribution
The successful implementation of this Project could contribute in the long term to strengthening national industrial capacity and improving the capacity of the National Health System to effectively and sustainably deal with COVID-19.
Project Outcome: The business capacity of the national supply chain actors is increased in terms of 1) technical capacity 2) quality assurance and 3) business resilience and continuity in case of potential emergency situations
1.4: Training Topics
- Describe Processes and draft Procedures;
- Identify, describe, manage and improve your Processes and Procedures
- 5S and the Environment Work Organize the work environment…
- In order to Optimize Performance
- Resolution Methodology of Problems Behaviours, methods and tools for success together
- Optimize Performance
- Definition of Production objectives and Budget preparation
- Trace budget destination and determine the means to follow its trajectory
- Production planning (Give the Client what he wants, and when he desires it!
Target group: Local enterprises that produces related biomedical equipment in the medical supply chain