Project: Strengthening Resilience Of Women And Girls Affected By Conflicts, Violent Extremism And Climate Change In The Lake Chad Region

The multi-year grant for the project demonstrates the commitment of the Government Japan to gender equality and women's empowerment
As part of the implementation of the project "Strengthening resilience of women and girls affected by conflicts, violent extremism and climate change in the lake chad region", the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of women; UN Women, organized on March 03, 2020 a working session to present the project to implementing partners, namely, the Ministry of Women Empowerment and the Family, the City Council in Kolofata and the ALVF, “Association de Lutte contre les Violences faites aux Femmes” from Maroua.
This working session took place in the UN Women conference room, presented in detail the activities of the project that will be put in place during 24 months in the Far North region and in particular the localities of Kolofata and Kerawa. This activity which brought together 10 participants including the representative of the Resident Coordinator and the representative of the Japan Embassy in Cameroon, aimed to contribute to the ownership of the project by the implementing and ensure the sustainability and capitalization of the achievements.
While expressing her sincere gratitude to the Japanese Government for the constant support provides to UNWOMEN for the benefit of vulnerable women victims of the crisis, UN Women Office-in-Charge in her introductory remarks magnified the excellent partnership between UN WOMEN and the Japanese Government. “

The multi-year grant for the project demonstrates the commitment of the Government Japan to gender equality and women's empowerment across disaster risk reduction, humanitarian and peace and security with focus on promoting women’s leadership, livelihoods and protection from violence in conflict contexts amplified by climate change. We look forward to strengthening our collaboration and partnership towards the success and sustainability of this project, which is closely aligned with the country's development priorities, including national priorities to advancing gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls”.
Mr Tatsuki SAKAI, representative of Japan Embassy stressed the need to ensure a close monitoring and evaluation of the project and enforce lessons learned from previous projects funded by Japan.
Given the disproportionate impact of crises and disasters on women and girls and their specific vulnerability, it is necessary to provide urgent, targeted, life-saving, sustainable and gender-responsive humanitarian assistance and programmatic interventions to enable affected women and girls to withstand crises, recover from the impact of crises and increase their resilience to future crises. And this is the major objectives of the project.
All the stakeholders provided input and suggestions on how to ensure and efficient and effective implementation of the project for the sake of the beneficiaries, both host and displaced population.