UNDAF Cameroon 2018-2020

The United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for 2018-2020 is the result of a process of consultations with all segments of the Cameroonian population, including the private sector and civil society.
The programmes which will result from this cooperation document will be developed around four main axes which have been identified as priorities by the stakeholders:
- The development of decent employment opportunities and social inclusion;
- Health and nutrition;
- Education and vocational training;
- Resilience, early recovery and food security.
The United Nations system in Cameroon, as a strategic partner, will support the Government and other stakeholders in developing the innumerable potentials of the country, including the potentials of its youth, human capital as well as cultural and religious diversity. This goal can only be achieved if productive sectors such as agriculture, forestry, livestock, water, sanitation and renewable energy are at the heart of national investment programs and aligned with the commitments made in the framework of global initiatives such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and COP 21 and 22.
Through the UNDAF 2018-2020, the United Nations brings together the expertise of 16 Agencies, Funds and Programs, to ensure that their commitment to the Cameroonian people and the international community is translated into concrete actions, adapted to their needs and results-oriented, and that no one is left behind in a Cameroon haven of peace.