United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework for Cameroon 2022 - 2026

This United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework is the main instrument through which the Government of Cameroon and the United Nations System will cooperate during the 2022–2026 period to implement the national priorities and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The Government has adopted a vision “Vision 2035” to transform Cameroon into an emerging, democratic and united country in diversity. The Growth and Employment Strategy Paper implemented this vision between 2010 and 2019, leading to a substantial rise in the growth path from 3 per cent to 4.5 per cent.
The 2020–2030 National Development Strategy, which the Government of Cameroon recently adopted, will support implementing the second phase of Vision 2035. The Cooperation Framework aims at making Cameroon a land of opportunity, citizen engagement and well-being for its population.
This Cooperation Framework was jointly prepared by the United Nations system and the Government of Cameroon and is informed by President Paul Biya's 2035 Economic Vision and the National Development Strategy 2020-2030. It builds on the fruitful successes of the cooperation between the Government of Cameroon and the United Nations.
With the African Union Agenda 2063 and the SDGs at its core, the Cooperation Framework aims at making Cameroon a land of opportunity, citizen engagement and well-being for its population. To this end, the Cooperation Framework enables the 22 UN agencies in Cameroon in implementing programmatic interventions under its four strategic priorities which are aligned with the NDS30 pillars:
- Inclusive and sustainable growth;
- Quality, inclusive and equitable human and social development;
- Institutional support and citizen engagement;
- Environmental sustainability management of climate risks and disasters.
Each of these strategic priorities is attached to expected strategic results at the outcome level. The priorities and expected results are catalytic, cross-sectoral, and based on multi-stakeholder commitment and action.