Crisis in the North-west/South-west regions of Cameroon: UN Human Rights, partners push for inclusion of IDP’s in Douala Host communities
09 février 2022
On December 15, 2021, the United Nations Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Central Africa (UNCHRD-CA) ended the second phase of the seed-funding project entitled “Awareness Campaign for a Better Inclusion of Internally Displaced Persons from the North West and South West Crisis in Host Communities of Douala" (ACIDP). This phase, aimed to produce mini-documentaries that were broadcasted on some Cameroonian television channels
During the first phase, film screenings on the plights of IDPs and a peaceful cohabitation between IDPs and host communities in 4 of the 5 targeted neighbourhoods of Douala were organized. More than 1000 persons (among which 583 women and 118 children) took part in the film screening.
The Delegation of European Union in Cameroon and civil society organizations (Un Monde Avenir, Cinema Numérique Ambulant and Association des Réalisateurs Documentaristes du Cameroun) were the key partners of this project.