Cameroon launches Global and National Human Development Reports for 2019
24 janvier 2020
Légende: Alassane Ba: DRR UNDP "Human Development allows us to see to what extent people can live the life they choose. It is measured by the HDI, which is a synthetic indicator used to measure progress made over time in three fundamental dimensions, namely good health, access to knowledge, and a decent standard of living ... We must give to the private sector all its leverage for growth. It is at this price that we will ensure a structural transformation of the economy and the creation of decent jobs for thousands of young people who enter the labor market every year. "
We need to look beyond income, to understand what is really driving inequality. We have to look at a wider range of drivers of inequality, like climate change.
The official launching ceremony which assembled over seven members of Government (Cabinet Ministers), a cross section of diplomatic corps and participants from all walks of life was also an opportunity to chart the way forward in two separate panel discussions.
According to the overall results of the 2019 National Human Development Report: Inclusive Growth, Inequalities and Exclusions, Cameroon recorded modest but resilient growth during the period covered by the Strategic Document for Growth and Employment (SDGE).
The report states that this growth would have led to a more significant reduction in poverty, but was rather “non-inclusive, disproportionately benefiting the better-off thus leading to an increase in inequality”
“The persistence of multi-level structural bottlenecks and the ineffectiveness of cyclical policy measures emerged as key culprits of inequality and exclusion during this period”, the report further states.
As recommendations for inclusive growth, the report highlights the following: supporting and equitably sharing the gains of growth, improving the performance of public administration, promoting the transformation of the agricultural sector, promote a dynamic private sector, deepen the decentralization of political power as well as reduce gender inequalities and social protection system.
For the global report titled - Human Development Report 2019, Beyond income, beyond averages, beyond today: Inequalities in human development in the 21st century. More details :
Légende: Launch of the National Humanitarian Report 2020.
Légende: Allegra Baiocchi -RCO. “What these two reports are telling us, both globally and nationally, is that we need to look beyond averages and numbers - Averages often hide what is really going on in society, what is the real day to day quality of life for people in Douala, compared to Amchide or Bertoua or Mamfe. We need to look beyond income, to understand what is really driving inequality. We have to look at a wider range of drivers of inequality, like climate change, conflict and of course gender.”
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