UN Cameroon, the civil society, and local authorities mark the fifth anniversary of the SDGs in the city of Bertoua
The SDG Global Festival of Action is a ground-breaking event designed by and for the international SDG action community and powered by the UN SDG Action Campaign with the support of Government and partners to bring together SDGs activists, artists, innovators and leaders from the different sectors to connect and find new ways to inspire individuals and organizations to take action for people and the planet. The 2020 edition featured a range of sessions, workshops and meeting formats each positioned to further understanding and awareness, build practical skills and networks and be inspired by SDG Leaders.
To mark the fifth anniversary of the SDGs, UN Cameroon in partnership with the Bertoua 2 Council, and the Association “Jeunes en Actions pour les ODD” (JADD)” organized a series of activities code-named the “2020 Global Week to Act for SDGs” to raise awareness on the SDGs and train municipal authorities on localizing the SDGs.
Organised under the theme: “Turning Point for the People and Planet, put the goals at heart of their recovery plans”, these commemorative activities were an opportunity for the United Nations system in Cameroon and civil society organisations to provide adequate information on health and well-being (SDG3), quality education (SDG4), the fight against climate change (SDG13) and necessity of peace for justice and effective institutions (SDG16).
Key activities included Plogging (Eco-jogging), Trainings on SDG, COVD-19, SDG Open Day, Official ceremony and hoisting the SDG flag at the Bertoua 2.
Entités des Nations Unies impliquées dans cette initiative